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Current Volunteer Opportunities

Along with email and WhatsApp, upcoming volunteer opportunities will be posted here. Please check back as we add available opportunities as they become available.

View available current SECO committee and board positions here.

If you are interested in volunteering in your student's class, please send your teacher a message through ParentSquare.

Lost & Found Assistant

We are looking for a few parents to come to the school every few weeks to assist with organizing the school's lost & found (hanging up jackets and sorting miscellaneous items). Every 2-3 months sort and wash unclaimed items for donation.

If you are interested in assisting, please email SECO at

PLEASE NOTE: This volunteer opportunity is only available to those who have passed their background check through the Raptor System. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your shift time to allow for check-in.

Library Needs

If you are interested in any of the following Library positions, please email Mrs. Fry at

These opportunities are only available to those who have passed their background check and have received confirmation from the Raptor System. To be on campus, you will need identification (ID, Driver License, Passport)

OBOB Co-Chair: The Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program where students (Grade 3+) read select books and battle in teams by answering questions about the books. The Co-Chair position supports Mrs. Fry by helping to recruit and schedule volunteers, attends OBOB volunteer orientations, and helps volunteers find substitutes when they are unable to keep their previous commitments. Some tasks can be done from home.

Morning Library Volunteers: Needs include checking in books, shelving and straighten books, support check out for older students. This is a weekly commitment. Volunteer help allows library staff to supervise and support students in a meaningful way. 

Current openings:

   - First & Third Mondays of the month 7:45 - 10:25 am

   - Wednesdays 7:45 - 8:55 am

Afternoon Library Volunteers: Needs include shelving and straighten books, helping with special projects, support activities and check out for younger students. This is a weekly commitment. Volunteer help allows library staff to supervise and support students in a meaningful way. 

Current openings:

   - Tuesdays 12:40 - 2:15 pm

   - Wednesdays 12:40 - 2:15 pm

   - Thursdays 12:40 - 2:15 pm

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