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School Directory

The school asks that birthday party or other types of private invitations not be delivered or distributed at the school. This rule is in place to help avoid hurt feelings among students and to help prevent disruption to the learning environment.​ (You can read more about this rule and general birthday information in the Sato Student/Family Handbook.) 

To help provide a way for families to connect outside the school, SECO provides families access to a school directory. Directory information is sorted by grade and is password protected. Only families with a student in that grade will be provided the password to access the directory information. At no point will student or family information be sold or provided to a third-party.

The SECO directory includes the following information:

  • Student's First and Last Name

  • Student's Teacher

  • Parent #1 First and Last Name

  • Parent #1 Phone Number

  • Parent #1 Email

  • Parent #2 First and Last Name

  • Parent #2 Phone Number

  • Parent #2 Email

2024/2025 School Directory

Directory information is sorted by grade and password protected. Classroom teachers will provide their families with the grade specific password to access the Sato School Directory. 

2024/2025 Directory Add, Edit or Opt-Out Information

At the start of the school year, Beaverton School District gives families the opportunity to opt-out of the annual release of information. If you have already opted-out of this, your information will not be included in the school directory and do not need to opt-out again.

If you would like to add, edit, or remove some or all of your student's or family's information from this school year's directory, please complete the following form:

You can choose to have your information added or removed from the school directory at any time. Please note an opt-out form must be completed for each school year.

If you have any questions about the school directory or how people can access the information, please email

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